Like Cain, Sanchez also misses the mark

Regarding “Cain doesn’t get it, and he will not win” (Opinion, Oct. 11): Mary Sanchez doesn’t get it, either. Her description of the poor, disadvantaged, disenfranchised protesters may be right on the money for some. However, she misses the mark on many others. Have you heard their outrageous, adolescent demands? They sound more like 8-year-olds making lists for Santa. The Horatio Alger mindset still lives in the hearts and minds of those college-age individuals with pluck and I commend them. The protesters may have legitimate gripes, but they don’t seem ready or willing to do much — other than holding out their hands, beating their drums, chanting and whining. I disdain them, too.

Barbara Krasnoff, Roswell

Where does one go to make ends meet?

Everyone seems to be in a quandary about the economic situation in America. The middle class has been hard pressed to maintain their standards despite the fact that both husband and wife work. If one loses a job, it becomes harder to maintain that standard. Wages have stagnated but spiraling costs for health care, education and housing have caused many to borrow well above their heads. Even the American dream to go to college has backfired; many college graduates can’t find employment and are in debt for their education. Where does that leave the average family with kids and the cost of college (not to mention one-parent households)? As a mature adult, where does one go to make ends meet? You tell me.

David Clarke, Buford

Energy program is vision we need

Why does the president’s jobs bill lack enthusiastic support? Do you see this as the answer for our sagging economy?

No one does — not even the Democratic leadership in Congress. Regardless of the motivations or sincere belief these steps will help, we know this will do little to change the economic and employment pictures. Stimuli Part 5 lacks the “vision thing.” Rebuilding roads and bridges is not a vision; it is political pandering.

Saving teacher jobs is not a vision; it is a political maneuver to retain a constituency. Vision in a free economy drives growth, progress and pride of accomplishment. Want a vision that will unite us? How about an energy program that would make us independent and the hands-down global leader?

Richard A. Clark, Decatur