Gas prices

If we produce so much, why’s the price so high?

The U.S. produces up to 90 percent of our gas needs, “Energy Dependence may be nearing end,” (Business, May 15). Why are we paying world prices for it? An article a few days ago stated that, according to supply and demand, oil should be around $60 to $70 a barrel, but the speculators are keeping it at $100. Why? Everyone knows there is no competition in the oil industry, so why can’t our government do something about it? I know many of our politicians receive money from the oil companies, but aren’t there any statesmen who will stand up to them? Imagine if gas was $2 a gallon. Our economy would explode.



Legislature gutted special needs scholarship

Robert Enlow speaks in glowing terms of the Georgia Special Needs Scholarship program, “Special needs voucher offers kids hope” (Opinion, May 12). Like so many great ideas, this one was emasculated by the legislature. Both parties agreed to exclude the thousands of special needs kids already enrolled in private schools, unless the child was removed from the private school and re-enrolled for a year in a public school. In order for the parents to receive this financial assistance, their child who had endured the misery of public school would face the sickening prospect of leaving a safe haven and returning to their place of suffering, and losing their place in the private school. In terms of numbers, the Georgia Special Needs Scholarship program is a failure. Only a small percentage of those in need receive the help.



Celebrities should step up on kidnappings

Here’s a novel idea. Instead of government involvement, why don’t some of our celebrities step up and offer to pay for the return of these 300-plus young girls who were stolen from their school. Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Oprah Winfrey, extremely wealthy athletes, etc. could up the ante and pay $1,000 per person, rather than the $12 currently being charged by their capturers. This would be a paltry sum for each of these celebrities and chump change if it was a combined effort. Surprised none of them have made the offer to date.



Being wrong about a video isn’t a crime

The Republican lynch mob says Benghazi was a coverup. However to have a coverup, you have to have a crime. What was the Benghazi crime? Being wrong about whether the attack in Benghazi was related to the video? That was not a crime. That was being wrong during a confusing crisis. Since there was no crime there was no coverup. Except in Charles Krauthammer’s very biased mind, “How Benghazi hearings can be done correctly,” (Opinion, May 10). Actually, the real Benghazi crime is the attempt by Krauthammer and other Republicans to politically exploit the deaths of four Americans.



Other sources say ice isn’t melting

Since you strive to be credible, compelling and complete, I trust you’ll publish the report that contradicts yours on melting of the Antarctic Ice. cites a report by the National Snow and Ice Data Center that the ice has been increasing and continues to do so. Of course, the “climate change” fanatics don’t like this, so they ignore it.