Stay hydrated, look out for others in intense heat

We offer our sympathy to the families and friends of the Georgia athletes who died during the latest heat wave.

We know that extreme heat can lead to very high body temperatures; brain and organ damage; and, in rare cases, death. To reduce the risk of heat injuries during physical activity, experts recommend gradually increasing the frequency, duration and intensity of the activity, and drinking more water than usual. Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink more.

This advice is for anyone who is going to be physically active in the heat. These actions are especially important for people who will be active or in the heat for long periods. Athletes and marching band members starting practice may be at particular risk. It’s important to follow established guidelines from schools, sports organizations or medical organizations regarding changing or canceling activities to prevent heat illness, and altering practices requiring heavy safety gear.

As temperatures continue to soar, let’s stay hydrated — and work together to keep an eye on one another.

Linda C. Degutis, director, CDC’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control


Term limits could stem constant campaigning

It is more than a year until the next presidential election, yet President Barack Obama is in full campaign mode. Taxpayers are picking up his salary, while he is out raising cash.

This is not a rap on Obama. Most presidents (Republicans and Democrats) have done the same in their first terms. A partial solution would be to limit the president to one six-year term. If a president cannot enact his agenda in six years, it probably ought not to be enacted.

A similar problem exists with Congress. Representatives have to face the electorate every two years and begin campaigning for re-election almost from Day 1. I suggest that two four-year terms for both representatives and senators would be reasonable. The problem would not be eliminated, but its effects would be alleviated somewhat.

Congress was once composed mostly of resident legislators who served for a while and returned to their farms and businesses. It could be that way again.

Richard Dowis, Waleska


Give Congress a dose of unemployment, like FAA

How can members of Congress enable suspension of FAA staff and contractors during these times while taking their own vacation with pay? They should never again attack the unemployed, suggesting they don’t want to work.

Let’s make those hypocrites file for unemployment after the next election!

Stanley Harris Jr., Savannah


Pitts deserves praise for ‘candid cameras’ piece

I have the utmost respect for police and always have. I also respect Leonard Pitts, and I like his columns in the AJC.

His piece “Candid cameras have some police flinching” (Opinion, Aug. 4) is right on the money, and I praise him for it.

Howard Brown, Atlanta