Readers Write


D-Day must be recalled

Sixty-five years ago, an event occurred that ranks as one of the seminal events in the history of our country: D-Day. The invasion of France by Allied Forces, mostly American, marked the beginning of the end for the dream of the Nazi regime to rule a goodly portion of the world. Events such as this are too soon forgotten by ensuing generations. On that late spring morning, thousands of men faced certain death for the rest of us. I have seen those beaches now, calm and peaceful, but on the morning of June 6, 1944, they must have seemed like "hell on earth." An event like D-Day should be remembered for two reasons: the legacy it has given us all and the sacrifice that those many men made on that fateful morning 65 years ago.

Bill Burns, Stone Mountain


Glavine, Smoltz whine

Re: "Sentimental time is over; move on without Glavine," (Sports, June 4): Let's cut out the sentimentality and fan adoration, and get real. Tom Glavine's departure was a business decision. Glavine would have collected $1 million for pitching just one game, and the Braves had a younger, better pitcher available at considerably less cost. But more importantly, today's baseball players just don't get it. They are way overpaid. Chipper Jones will go 0 for 4 in a game, or sit out one or more games due to a sore toe, and collect more money than most people earn in two to three years. Bench players will collect more in a season than baseball greats like Henry Aaron or Stan Musial earned in their prime, and they will cry and moan. Glavine ignored and disrespected Braves fans during the strike season, deserted the Braves in 2002 for a Mets money contract, and didn't do anything last year to help the Braves win. He deserves to go, and I for one am glad that he's gone.

Charles Tatter, Marietta

Tom Glavine and John Smoltz: How much money have you each made during your careers? $80 million? $100 million? Stop your whining, and thank God for the abundant blessings you've received. Where does your sense of entitlement come from? You've spent your entire adult lives playing a child's game, and by any measure have received far more than you've given. Neither the Atlanta Braves or its fans owe you anything. You had the chance to bring your careers to their natural ends with dignity and grace, but instead, by your own words and actions, you've tarnished your legacies and reputations. You have no one to blame for this but yourselves.

Vincent Bonfanti, Alpharetta


Leave Gene Siskel alone

Re: the Mike Luckovich cartoon, (Opinion, June 5): Dick Cheney is a continuing political figure who may be fairly lampooned by political detractors and cartoonists as they see fit. However, Gene Siskel was never a political figure, and his widow and children are not, either. This is more than poor taste. It is thoughtlessly mean.

David L. Rusnak, Atlanta