Where is outrage over all the inconsistency?
Our politicians speak of supporting the military — but in reality, only support the military contractors who contribute to their campaign funds.
This is obvious in the proposed Pentagon defense budget cuts which will focus on pay, retirement and health care benefits — but not on weapon systems or equipment that isn’t wanted.
This imposes financial penalties on the military community that has already sacrificed more in the last 10 years than the other 99 percent of Americans.
Veterans have suffered repeated dangerous deployments, family separations, and physical and psychological wounds.
Where are the voices of outrage from patriotic citizens regarding the inconsistency between defense and administration leaders’ words and deeds?
Allan E. Shapiro, Monroe
Progressive Democrat tired of conservatives
I’m tired of conservatives who subsidize large corporations and pay executives bonuses for shipping jobs overseas.
I’m tired of conservatives (like those in our Legislature) who take money from our schools and the poor, call public education “socialism,” and blame the poor and middle class for being lazy when they can’t find jobs.
I’m tired of conservatives calling educated and informed voters “elitist” and “liars.”
I’m tired of conservatives trying to force religious beliefs on me and on children in our schools. I believe in democracy. I served three combat tours.
I am a progressive Democrat — and conservatives think I am less American (and less patriotic) because I disagree with their political views.
Do not question my patriotism.
Rick Page, Newnan
Proposed legislation needs to be passed now
Regarding “Climate deal avoids bottom line” (News, Dec. 12), I find myself wondering what it’s going to take for us to get our act together and move aggressively toward a renewable energy economy. The logjam in Durban underscores the importance of developed countries (such as the U.S.) leading the way with new technology and clean energy.
This will accelerate when we have a realistic pricing model that takes into account environmental and public health impacts of burning fossil fuels.
Proposed legislation, HR 3242, sends clear price signals to the market that will accelerate the development of alternatives without putting undue stress on citizens.
We need to pass this legislation now — and move back into a position of leadership on global issues like climate change and renewable energy.
Brandon Sutton, Atlanta