Future is more crucial than tax returns

What’s wrong with us?

We are wasting time asking for candidates’ tax returns when our goods are made in China and our national debt is projected to eventually top $20 trillion.

We should be asking: What kind of country are we leaving our grandchildren and great-grandchildren in a generation or two?

My wife will never vote against Barack Obama.

I will never vote for him.

As our result, we don’t count.

Elections are decided by those who jump ship every election and ask: What’s in it for my pocketbook in the next four years?

We should be asking: Will we leave a government that serves the people, or people who serve the government?

Will we continue to move in the direction we are headed now, where the nonproducers can use the ballot box to take the possessions of the producers?

Maybe I shouldn’t care. I’m 81.

But I pity my granddaughters in 20 years.

Bob J. Lewis, Decatur

Obama better at being a blamer than a leader

Since Barack Obama became president, he consistently has blamed George W. Bush for everything wrong in this country.

Now, a letter writer claims that Bush is not getting enough blame for the debt problems (“If Obama is to blame, then what about Bush?” Readers write, Opinion, Jan. 25).

Where has the writer been?

Obama has taken the deficit he inherited and more than doubled it.

Bush had a Democratic-controlled Congress in his latter years, and it certainly kept the spending going.

It is too bad Obama never got off the campaign trail to do some leading instead.

Judith McCarthy, Atlanta

Gingrich’s grand ideas would be tough to fund

Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich says he would establish a permanent American base on the moon and expand exploration of Mars.

Gingrich claims NASA could pay for these programs by teaming up with the private sector, but it’s hard to imagine accomplishing these goals without substantial government expense. So, where would the money really come from?

How many more elderly Americans would have to choose between starving and freezing in the winter?

How many more poor children would go without food and health care?

You can’t put all those kids to work sweeping floors at NASA, Newt.

Chris Moser, Lithonia