Ethics issue extends beyond free lunch

For many years, much has been made about the lack of ethical controls in the Georgia General Assembly.

All of the rhetoric and energy is being focused on relationships with lobbyists.

There is no dispute that this is a crucial part of the overall expectation that lawmakers conduct themselves in an “ethical manner.”

But what does that mean?

Can an unethical person become ethical?

Should the policies governing ethical behavior extend beyond the aforementioned relationships, to the framing and passage of laws intended to disenfranchise, demean and discriminate (as the General Assembly has done, and continues to do)?

At its simplest, ethics is a philosophy outlining how we conduct ourselves in all of our relationships. If we’re going to tackle the problem of unethical behavior of lawmakers, the subject matter should be broadened to include ideas and actions larger and more injurious than a free lunch.



AMA promotes healthier life steps

The American Medical Association has long recognized obesity as a major public health concern, and is committed to helping physicians help patients to live longer, healthier lives (“State obesity rankings: No winners,” ajc.com, Aug. 15).

Reportedly, more than one-third of American adults are obese — putting them at a higher risk for heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer.

Obesity also has financial implications, as the treatment for obesity and its health consequences accounts for an astounding $147 billion of our country’s annual health care spending.

We must take steps to help prevent and better treat obesity.

The AMA’s Healthier Life Steps program is a free resource that helps patients and physicians work together to address key health behaviors (including healthy eating and physical activity), by helping them to create an action plan.

The AMA is committed to helping physicians improve the health of their patients.

In the years ahead, as part of a new strategic direction, the AMA will focus on improving health outcomes to enhance the quality, safety and affordability of health care for all Americans.



Time to take look at Democrats’ strategy

Regarding “GOP has adopted a brilliant strategy” (Readers write, Opinion, Aug. 12), I read with interest the letter about the Republican campaign strategy, so I thought we should examine the Democrats’ strategy, including the following.

Blame George Bush for anything and everything.

Lie early and often.

Call your opponent every name you can think of.

When all else fails, use the race card.

Finally, whatever you do, do not discuss the economy, jobs, the deficit, etc.

This is a brilliant strategy — just brilliant.