Keep your cats, dogs inside, or risk tragedy

Regarding “Homeowners group OKs plan to deal with coyotes” (Metro, Nov. 14), we desperately need to rid our communities of coyotes.

They are carriers of rabies and other diseases and are definitely having someone’s outdoor cats and dogs for “lunch.”

However, I blame this on people, not so much the coyote). It is extremely frustrating that people let their pets (especially cats) roam the streets.

In my subdivision, it is inevitable that every spring and summer, one or two neighbors loses a beloved cat.

Pet owners are heartbroken — but every spring and summer, people see foxes in someone’s yard. Yes, these guys love cats and small dogs, too.

Please keep your cats and dogs inside unless you are watching them closely.

This will also alleviate a lot of the other animal issues we have that need to be addressed.

Nila Fordyce, Roswell

Blame Obama for the headaches ahead

The motivating factor in the Middle East “protests” is President Barack Obama’s call for and support of an “Arab Spring.”

The unifying factor behind the Middle East “protests” is the Muslim Brotherhood.

The new (Republican) president is going to inherit a disaster in international relations of monumental proportions.

I wonder if he’ll blame Obama.

George Mitchell, Blairsville

Make Congress occupy itself ethically, morally

Most of us are watching the Occupy movement closely.

We’re not quite sure what their goal is going be, but something definitely resonates.

I hope this ultimately translates into power at the polls in the 2012 election.

I don’t think we can address the corporate greed on Wall Street until we address the ethical and moral corruption of Congress that allows that greed to go unchecked.

The influence of lobbyists, big money and the never-ending opportunities for personal wealth are just too tempting for good congressional leadership to flourish.

I propose a litmus test for all candidates in 2012.

If a candidate doesn’t endorse the Lobbying Transparency and Accounting Act, Pork Barrel Reduction Act, and Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act, then they don’t get our vote.

This applies equally to Democrats and Republicans.

Congress has had years to self-impose these ethical standards on themselves, but it’s obvious they never will.

It’s time to Occupy Congress with leaders who will put the country first — before party and personal gain.

Richard L. Howard, Atlanta