Thanks-for-the-service era better than the past

As one of the millions who served during the Vietnam War, I continue to wonder what the United States (and the world) would be like if the troops who served during the Vietnam era had been treated like U.S. forces have been treated during the past few years.

My only hope is that the view of our troops of “thanks for the service and sacrifice” regarding those who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan is real — and not short-term.

William T. Hayes, Dunwoody

Lawmakers’ plans always cost taxpayers

Regarding “Once again, legislators to target tax overhaul” (News, Jan. 2), new taxation plans seem to reappear every legislative session and are always presented as models of taxation fairness and equity. It’s never mentioned that their only purpose is to suck more money out of the pockets of taxpayers and into state coffers.

The plans almost always involve taking more from those living on low (or fixed) incomes and giving more to those lucky enough to have good jobs.

Like past schemes, this current plan will convert more voters to the out-of-power party than any scheme devised.

When you take food from the mouths of the defenseless, they will retaliate by taking themselves from the pockets of those who do so.

Jim Stoll, Kennesaw

End to partisan politics would unite nation

America is a divided nation. Recent paralysis caused the legislative and executive branches of the federal government to fail to function in an orderly manner. Therefore, Americans must make the following New Year’s resolutions.

Pledge to listen to only impartial reporters on TV news and radio talk shows, and read opposing opinions on commentary pages in newspapers.

Pledge to delete lies and half-truths in emails regarding political leaders.

Pledge to evaluate the qualifications of Democratic and Republican candidates and vote against all incumbents if no other decision can be made.

Pledge to pray for all political leaders.

These four resolutions would end partisan politics and America would become, once again, a united nation. Democrats and Republicans also would seize the mantle of leadership and become public servants.

Roy Wetherington, Tifton