No separating church and state from pols

While I appreciate a letter writer’s desire that a candidate’s religion not enter into the mix, I hope he realizes that any person’s “actions, words and experience” are influenced by his or her religious background and adherence, for good or for ill (“A candidate’s religion should be a non-issue,” Readers write, Opinion, Jan. 9). A religious upbringing might teach and model tolerance, service and team-building — or it might preach separateness, self-service and hatred. The distinction is not necessarily dependent upon a specific religion, sect or denomination. Our current president is a product of his own sacred background and choices, to the detriment of this country. I wish everyone had known of these influences before the election.

Betsy Kerr, Lilburn

GOP rivals distorting candidate’s business

I knew it would eventually come to this: accusing Mitt Romney of being a raider who had stripped companies and fired people. I expected it would be President Obama who made the accusation — not fellow Republicans, who know better (though I’d wager that President Obama knows better, too).

While not familiar with all the particular companies in which he was involved, I know the general approach of Bain Capital and similar organizations. They will provide much-needed capital to struggling companies, in return for the control to make the business decisions necessary for the company to survive and prosper. If a company has twice as many employees as it can afford, is it better to eliminate half the jobs and preserve the company as a going entity for the other half of the employees, for its customers and business partners, and for the shareholders — or to let it sink with all hands? Of course, the answer is to cut and preserve — which is what Romney did.

Bob Irvin, Atlanta

Legislative preview demystified issues

Bravo, AJC, for another superb reporting project on the start of the Georgia legislative session (“Legislative preview,” News, Jan. 8).

What goes on under the Gold Dome often seemed like smoke and mirrors to me. Now, I have a much better understanding of the legislative process and challenges facing our state legislators. It was especially fascinating to read about the most prominent lobbying influences on our lawmakers! Keep up the great work!

Salpi Adrouny, Johns Creek