Readers Write 5/4


Code Red phone system is best solution for some

In the aftermath of the devastating tornadoes that ripped through the Southeast recently, there have been understandable pleas for siren warning systems in towns that have been lacking them.

My family’s home is less than a mile from our local fire station, which faithfully sets off a siren every time we have a tornado warning. Even so, we have never heard a single siren warning (because the sound doesn’t carry that far). While they certainly wouldn’t hurt, I believe that sirens would not benefit everyone in a county. Only those living very close to the siren site would be aware of the emergency.

In contrast, the Code Red phone system (which we have in Butts County) is very effective. Anyone can sign up for it. This seems, to me, the best solution. Everyone who signs up for the system will receive a call when there is severe weather. I hope that all counties will get on board with this system.

Janice Moser, Flovilla


Obama deserves credit for dealing with storms

President Barack Obama is handling the crisis caused by our recent storms like a patriot. These catastrophic storms killed hundreds of people, injured over 1,000, and eradicated several communities. Obama addressed the nation promptly and promised Washington’s aid.

Alabama was hit the hardest, and asked for federal assistance, which was granted quickly. FEMA has already made its presence known in Alabama, and Obama has promised Washington’s support.

I love to see presidents do what they are supposed to do: take charge, offer support and lead.

Marc Robinson, Marietta


Democrats, Republicans united is soothing to see

The problem with politics today is that over the last 20 years or so, our politicians have evolved into serving party first and country second. With all the energy spent to point fingers, revise history, and (frankly) lie to the American people, it is no wonder that no one can solve our problems today. Although we have suffered one of the worst natural disasters in recent history, and we must not turn our backs on our grieving neighbors, or make light of their plight, it has been comforting to see our Republican state governors and Democratic president work together to sincerely do all they could to help the American people in need.

Paul D. McDowell, Woodstock


Cartoon by Luckovich nearly brought a smile

Mike Luckovich’s cartoon (Opinion, April 29) was almost enough to make me smile.

Until we can see dependence on the illusion that domestic fossil fuels are “plentiful and cheap” as the absurd puppet show that it is, we cannot look at the real world and prepare for my children and grandchildren’s reality: extremely expensive fossil fuels with costs which extend to tragedies as calamitous as war; increased storms, and other aspects of global warming.

Peter Peteet, Atlanta