Deal did what was vital to keep helping students

Georgia’s HOPE scholarship has been reformed, not eradicated. HOPE has given millions of students the opportunity to attend Georgia colleges for a fraction of the price it would have cost them to attend without this scholarship.

I wish HOPE could have survived without any cuts, but at this point, that’s just not realistic. Our state budget is down and lottery revenues have leveled out. These cuts will undoubtedly affect students and their families’ pocketbooks. However, the HOPE still provides an opportunity for students to attend college at a much cheaper price than if HOPE was no longer around.

I personally believe that our governor has taken the necessary actions to keep providing students with as much of HOPE’s benefits as possible — and he has done so without raising taxes, or allowing Georgia’s fiscal condition to worsen. Kudos, Gov. Deal.

Marc Robinson, Marietta


One-day-a-week ban on booze makes no sense

Fretting about whether Sunday alcohol sales will increase state tax revenue (and by how much) is like arguing about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. It’s irrelevant. The state should repeal this ban for the simple reason that it makes no sense. To select one day a week on which willing buyers and one particular category of sellers are not allowed to trade is just another example of busybodies trying to manage other people’s lives for them. Bill Fogarty, Alpharetta


Wisconsin, Indiana legislators a blot on all

Leave aside for one second how embarrassing the repugnant behavior of supposedly honorable elected officials must have been for the majority of people in Wisconsin and Indiana. Democrat legislators pulled what amounts to an “I’m going to take my ball and go home” defense — one that is childish, unethical, illegal and dangerous to the world’s perception of the United States.

We were once looked upon by the world as a nation that, despite large differences of opinion, ultimately was held together by the rule of law.

Fast-forward to the view today, one in which anarchy is not only possible, but practiced in two of our states’ governments. The governors of Wisconsin and Indiana should waste no time in exercising their powers to enforce the law, or enact new ones to control their legislatures.

Doug Locker, Decatur


Obama’s response reminiscent of Nero

Fires are raging in foreign capitals. Oppressive regimes are firing upon and killing their own people.

Iran continues to scoff at the United Nations and the United States. Somali pirates capture and kill innocents.

The proposed federal budget creates larger deficits. And what is President Barack Obama doing? He is “grappling” with the issue of same-sex marriage.

Just one question: Does President Obama play the violin?

John Wiley, Marietta