Obstructionist tactics exacerbate recession

Recent letter writers have complained that Paul Krugman is out of touch with reality.

Thank goodness the AJC includes this thinking economist in its line-up. Paul Krugman is a rarity: an economist with a conscience. He points out the inanities of the right wing, which has exacerbated this deep recession with obstructionist tactics. He clearly illustrates with real data and commentary the negative impact the right has caused by blindly following flawed financial philosophy. He cares about America and all citizens, and continually reminds the rich that their fortunes are generated by exploiting the majority of poorer people in this huge American market.

Had we listened to Krugman’s suggestions earlier, our economy would be far more robust and productive. Millions more would be earning a decent wage, and the standard of living for all Americans would have improved. Instead, we have suffered because of those vocal conservatives who have held the country at ransom with their blind faith in tactics that have been proven wrong over the last century.



Government can’t be relied on to protect us

In light of the killings at the Washington Navy Yard, there will certainly be yet another round of anti-gun rhetoric, with politicians pontificating and wanting to “do something” — even if it will have zero affect on preventing lunatics or terrorists from killing people.

Heaven forbid that we should incarcerate and hold insane people who openly threaten to kill; that would violate their civil rights. Instead, let’s enact more laws and let’s ban certain firearms. Heck, let’s ban all firearms. After all, why do you need a gun? I guess it’s because you aren’t confident the government will protect you — and you are correct.



Our fear of progress, change holds us back

What Georgia needs is to expand MARTA. I’d take it, if it went anywhere near where I worked. There are major holes in the system involving too many transfers between bus and train.

There is no northwest wing of the train system — not to mention that it’s only a modified cross that covers little of the Perimeter. The solution is more destinations, but Atlanta voted that down. I say Atlanta doesn’t want to solve its problems clearly. The problems are simple to solve — only requiring an open mind — but there aren’t many here. Fear of change and progress is strong, even in this city.

I use MARTA for everything I can. If it went more places, I’d be on it 100 percent, and get rid of my car completely. If New York City (not to mention many other places) can have a comprehensive subway, then we can, too. When will we choose to stop fear from our making progress here in the South?