Media blind us to Obama’s misdeeds

President Obama has been very successful distancing himself from being responsible for anything his administration has done in the almost six years he’s been in office. Every problem our nation faces can be directly placed on Obama’s shoulders, from domestic to international. Scandals like Benghazi and at the IRS, FBI and Veterans Administration are just a few he says he heard about from the news media, though it’s hard to understand how he heard it from the news media when they did their collective best to insulate “their man” from any negative news that depicted him as indecisive.

Obama is on course to destroy the best health system, economic system and nation with the most freedom and opportunity on this planet. Why else would so many people want to come here? The only answer is that our news media has been taken over by radical liberal ideologues who have no clue of why they support Obama’s “fundamental change of America.”


Mideast strategy should come first

On “Meet the Press,” Sen. Diane Feinstein tried to explain why things were not quite right with our efforts in the Mideast. She mentioned the Pentagon was busy working on a strategy, “so hopefully, these plans will coalesce into a strategy that can encourage that coalition from Arab nations.” Strategy is what defines plans, not the other way around! Gen. George Marshall, winner of the 1953 Nobel Peace Prize, is quoted as saying, “Once the strategy is defined, a 2nd lieutenant can write the operation order (plan).” Perhaps the Pentagon should try to follow his advice and develop the strategy first.


Investigative work an important duty

Three cheers for Johnny Edwards! How sad that DeKalb County officials think he is picking on them (“Just doing our job, looking out for you,” Opinion, Aug. 31). Fortunately, he and other AJC reporters are performing investigative journalism, an important duty of a free press. It’s apparent local governments are sorely lacking proper financial oversight and controls over use of taxpayers’ funds. My hope is that this reporting will have a salutary effect on government financial behavior in the future.


For gun tragedies, just look at Africa

Leonard Pitts discusses the tragic accidental shooting of a firearms instructor by a 9-year-old girl in Arizona and ends with the comment, “Only here, only us” (“An Uzi, a 9-year old and a tragedy uniquely ours,” Opinion, Aug. 31). Pitts needs to be reminded of the pictures and news reports about children armed with automatic and semi-automatic weapons, mostly AK-47s, slaughtering their neighbors and countrymen. Since that is happening often in Africa, I guess it is not a concern. It is not here, not us. It is not an accident. It is murder.