Trump, not Krugman, is vulgar one
A letter writer reaches an odd conclusion in his letter to the editor (“Krugman helps writer decide vote,” Readers Write, Aug. 26). Noting columnist Paul Krugman’s many credentials, he goes on to say that Krugman’s description of Donald Trump is almost “locker-room vulgarity.” Apparently, words like dishonest, ignorant, immature and egomaniac are now “vulgar.” Yet, the letter writer sees nothing wrong with his own candidate’s language, who refers to Mexicans: “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.” Or, Trump’s general opinion of women: “fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals.” Since many would characterize Trump as the vulgar one, I wonder if the letter writer is looking for an excuse, any excuse, to vote for him?
Fair tax would have firms flock to U.S.
Just exactly whom do you think pays corporate taxes? Do you believe it is those greedy corporations? No, corporations collect taxes. The tax they “pay” is factored into the price of their product or service. Where do you think they get the money to “pay” the tax? That $20,000 new car you just bought, $5,601 of that was tax collected by the manufacturer to “pay” the corporate taxes (38.9 percent). So who is really paying the tax? You, the consumer.
Do we need to jack up corporate taxes? A resounding no!
Do you want jobs in the United States? Lower the corporate rate. Heck, if you were really serious about tax reform, eliminate income and Social Security taxes, along with corporate taxes and institute the Fair Tax and you would have corporations knocking each other out of the way to set up shop here.