Kimmel has no leg to stand on

Jimmy Kimmel is best known for his misogynistic TV skit, “Guess what’s in my pants?” with a female teenager. No doubt he was trying to upstage child rapist Roman Polanski’s reputation.

Kimmel has now morphed into the self-anointed “conscience of America” on his late-night TV “comedy” show. He wastes no time in defining down deviancy and taking on PC social issues from gun control to health care to abortion. Many view him as just another vulgar anti-Trumper apologist with an uber-liberal viewer base. While his Hollywood legions were rushing to voice their “shocked” opinions about the confessed sexual abuser of the “casting couch,” he sat back to see which way the wind was blowing before he voiced his tepid opinion of Harvey Weinstein’s admitted debauched escapades.

It is no surprise that the left was quick to come to his defense and attach a moral equivalency to Donald Trump’s braggadocios locker-room potty talk.


Air travelers will lose if deal falls apart

Delta Air Lines wants small jet aircraft to service smaller, low-traffic destinations. Bombardier, a Canadian company, makes such aircraft. Boeing, an American company does not. (“US-Canadian trade dispute snares Delta,” News, Oct. 10). The U.S. government has assessed a 220 percent import tax plus an 80 percent anti-dumping tax on the transaction.

Boeing doesn’t have the aircraft, but it does have deep pockets, good connects and lobbyists.

Available Boeing aircraft are larger, older and less efficient than Canadian jets. Reconfiguring available aircraft would not meet Delta’s needs for more efficient, smaller aircraft. Some destinations cannot handle larger aircraft due to runway length and other factors.

If this transaction is canceled, the losers will not be Delta, but the people of cities who will continue to have few, if any, transportation options except automobiles and buses.


Congress has failed us on health care

It is shameful that our congresspeople have served Georgia constituents so miserably regarding health insurance.

Republicans, by spite and neglect, have turned a flawed but fixable Obamacare into a train wreck. Many thousands will likely have no real insurance access come Jan. 1st – including my wife, a breast cancer survivor who needs an individual policy. “Bare bones” policies that offer barely any benefits and have barely any doctors or hospitals on the plan will not cut it. In Atlanta, a “good” plan may not be available at any price.

I hope the next election will have health issues front and center. Those who essentially have had their insurance taken away may not, in the face of humiliation at facing health care providers uninsured, and potential bankruptcy if struck by catastrophic illness, vote for the party with no viable health care plan or empathy. Our Republican emperor, on health care, has no clothes.


Stadium to blame for bad acoustics

I would like to think better planning would have gone into hosting Garth Brooks as your inaugural concert. Mainly the acoustics.

I saw Garth Brooks perform an awesome concert at Phillips Arena on his last visit to Atlanta and I assumed this concert would be even better. I was in absolute disbelief of how horrible the acoustics were at Mercedes-Benz Stadium. My seats were at the Club, field level in a perfect location to see and hear the stage. At $300 a seat, I should be able to make out the lyrics to the songs! The TV screens were not even synced to the music. What a waste of my time and money. We kept thinking the sound technicians would make adjustments, but at 45 minutes into the show it still sounded distorted and we finally walked out. Not sure who is to blame, Garth Brooks or Mercedes-Benz Stadium, but somebody owes the 80,000 fans who packed into that arena a refund and an apology. I won’t hold my breath.