GOP deserves blame,
too, for today’s mess
In response to the letter writer who said President Obama has done nothing for the economy (“Re-elect Obama, say good-bye to America,” Readers write, Opinion, Oct. 26), if he were honest, he would say “Obama and the Republicans” have done nothing for the economy — or does he not remember the comments made early in 2009 about making Obama a one-term president?
Why don’t the rightists remember that they also had an awful lot to do with driving this wagon into the ditch?
Choices are enough
to make voter weep
I’m looking at a recent Mike Luckovich cartoon, and there is not a trace of a smile on my face (Opinion, Oct. 26). I am fighting tears.
This cartoon portrays all too clearly what voters are facing in this election. This country is on the brink of a financial crisis of unprecedented proportions. We desperately need the financial skills of someone like Mitt Romney. Voting for Mitt Romney requires millions of us to sacrifice our social values. We are forced to vote for the greater good, or the lesser evil.
As women, this requires us to close our eyes and vote the party that has been hijacked by anti-feminist radicals.
The other choice is to vote the party that has been taken over by socialist agendas that can wreck our country financially.
These are not acceptable choices.
Maybe it’s time for a third party in this country.
Put country first when
deciding how to vote
It is days from our presidential election. I sincerely hope all eligible voters will go vote and exercise their right, and their obligation — regardless of who they support.
One thing I would ask is that voters use their brains and knowledge, research the issues and make an intelligent choice. Forget about all the news and negative attacks (and even the benefits President Obama promised them.) Put this country first, and think of who we are and what we need to be in four years. Who has the real solutions?
I love our country and I assume others do, too. Please don’t destroy her. Together, we can make her even better.
Please vote.
Poll watchers needed
to guard against fraud
Where is former President Jimmy Carter when America needs volunteers to monitor the 2012 elections?
We are going to have a repeat of 2000. The biggest capitalistic nation in the world cannot even talk about a smooth election for 2012. It’s crazy when you have billboards telling voters about voter fraud and the consequences. This is 2012 — not 1900.
Right call was made
in accepting plea deal
I’m writing to commend the decision of District Attorney Danny Porter and Gwinnett County Superior Court Judge Karen Beyers to allow Richard Ringold to plead guilty, in exchange for a sentence of life without the possibility of parole plus five years, in order to prevent a young old girl from having to testify in court (and to be further victimized by the crime).
The sentence provides for public safety by keeping Richard Ringold in prison. District Attorney Porter and Judge Beyers made the right decision.