Democratic spenders deserve to lose office

Regarding “Remember GOP in next House elections” (Readers write, Opinion, Oct. 14), elections will be held in November 2014 for 435 seats in the House of Representatives.

Do you want to end the nonsense in Washington? Vote the Democrats out. They want to continue spending money we don’t have, and increasing the size of the federal government.


Politicians are taking advantage of us voters

Regarding “Citizens suffering as politicians enjoy perks” (Readers write, Opinion, Oct. 14), Sue Shealy’s letter was right on the money!

I couldn’t agree more — and we are not even related or acquainted. How about that?



Single parenthood is fundamental problem

Mary Sanchez (“Academic achievement a matter of public policy,” Opinion, Oct. 15) reports that “there’s a strong correlation between poor education and poverty.”

Recent articles have noted the correlation between family wealth and SAT scores. But the fundamental correlation, I suggest, is based on single-parent families (primarily, teen mothers). Children of single mothers do not do well in school. It is past time for the leaders of our country to take up the challenge of promoting marriage, and birth control prior to marriage.



Drawing disrespects sacrifices by Marines

I’d like to address this to Mike Luckovich.

I may or may not like or agree with what you depict in your cartoons, but I will defend to the death your right to draw them. However, I must take exception to your use of a highly recognizable image in your Oct. 15 cartoon ("Newest D.C. memorial," Opinion).

The brave Marines who have given and will give their all in the defense and support of this country do not deserve to be vilified by your use of this image in your feeble attempt at political commentary. It is my belief that you owe this proud military organization — and all Marines everywhere — an apology.

We have never taken sides in the political arena and have always bravely served. Continue to use the freedoms safeguarded for you to voice your opinions, but remember and respect those who have helped to give them to you.


Cartoonist out of line to use Iwo Jima image

The Oct. 15 Luckovich cartoon, which alluded to the iconic image of the flag-raising on Iwo Jima, is disgusting ("Newest D.C. memorial," Opinion). To use that sacred image of sacrifice and courage for a cheap political jab should be beneath the dignity of a major newspaper.