Why’s Obama-appointed judge on two big cases?

Please explain to me how the judge deciding the Stockbridge and Eagles Landing dispute and the absentee ballot blow-up in the state of Georgia and especially Gwinnett County is the same U.S. District Judge Leigh Martin May? This judge was an appointee of Barack Obama in 2013. I am pretty sure she is not the only judge on the 11th Circuit in Atlanta; why then is she the judge in both these cases? Do the other 11th Circuit judges just sit around and let this Obama judge decide all disputes in Georgia? Sometimes I wonder why we even vote. This circuit is supposed to be one of the more conservative circuits in the country, and one liberal Obama judge is making all the decisions for the people of Georgia. What the hell is going on?


Commonsense says Kemp has a conflict

Brian Kemp, Georgia secretary of state and gubernatorial candidate, has repeatedly stated he believes it is not a conflict of interest that he oversees voter rolls and registrations while simultaneously running for governor. Recently, his office designated as “pending” 53,000 voter registration applications, almost 70 percent of which are from African-Americans. Since 2012, his office has kicked over 1.4 million people off the voter rolls, almost 670,000 of them last year alone. His denial of a conflict of interest erodes voters’ confidence and will cast a negative shadow over his governorship should he win the election. Does Mr. Kemp have a conflict of interest? Hoosier poet James Whitcomb Riley’s “duck test” may provide the simplest answer: If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, it probably is a duck.