High school football a boring GPB addition

It is simply outrageous that Georgia Public Broadcasting telecasts high school football during prime viewing hours on Friday nights. Even worse, GPB rebroadcasts these high school football games early Saturday morning. The vast majority of GPB viewers simply cannot relate to high school football because they did not attend the schools that are televised. They cannot relate to high schools the way the legions of Falcons fans can relate to the Falcons or the legions of UGA fans can relate to the Dawgs. Additionally, the quality of high school football is much inferior to college or pro football. What is outrageous is these dull and depressing high school football games are displacing public broadcasting jewels like Antiques Roadshow and Rick Steve’s travels in Europe. The bottom line is the broadcasting of high school football games on Friday night and early Saturday morning is a programming travesty and an affront to GPB viewers.


What does it mean to be ‘uneducated?’

Perhaps the biggest misrepresentation of the middle-class white voters has been “uneducated.” Define educated? Is what’s coming out of colleges today education? Is not a man who’s served his country, supported his church, community and family educated? Seems labels aren’t PC for any group except for independent whites. Big mistake!


Repercussions will be felt for generations

The election of Trump to be the next commander in chief is as bizarre as the flawed character of this man. If he keeps half of his promises that he ran on during the campaign, America and the rest of the world will be hurt in so many ways. Racism and xenophobia are now out in the open as much as it ever was. We can see those people who voted for Trump for what they are. Misinformed for the most part, while others are just cold-hearted and mean-spirited. I pray for the future of this country and for its youth who will have to deal with the repercussions of the next four years for many generations.