Real, not fake, president would take responsibility

The president created this toxic political environment. His rhetoric and lies are fuel for divisiveness and hatred. A real, not fake, president would never spew such venom. A real, not fake, president would never assault the media. A real, not fake, president would not lie habitually to Americans. A real, not fake, president would know how to console us, bring us together, and truly lead us in this crisis. He is the one at fault; now he should take responsibility.


Finance ‘experts’ clueless on running a business

Regarding “Rising costs are canceling out wage increases” (Personal Finance Extra, Oct. 29), we have “experts” telling us that corporations don’t pay high enough wages. If these experts know so much about owning and operating a business and its attendant responsibilities, they need to at least open a fruit stand before giving advice. Large public corporations are using their higher earnings to restore assets depleted under the former administration. Small businesses are still fighting to stay even while dealing with additional government regulations and trying to find qualified employees who’ll actually put in a full day’s work without whining about not making $15 per hour. The only thing I learned in economics classes was how to read graphs, and that ain’t enough to know how to run a business or to advise someone else how to do so.


Trump’s good outweighed by his missteps

I have been voting Republican for decades, but I don’t recognize the GOP anymore. It may as well be called the “Trump Party.” Some good things have happened legislatively in the past two years. But we’ve also seen a burgeoning toxic political environment, fed daily by comments and tweets from our president. There are other things I find deeply troubling about Trump: Giving the cold shoulder to our traditional allies while embracing ruthless dictators; separating migrant children from their parents; exploding our national debt to give tax breaks to the rich. Having a good economy doesn’t make up for all that. Such an abysmal level of moral leadership is more dangerous at this point in our history than a candidate’s position on the issues. So for this election, if you’re a Republican who supports Trump, I’m just letting you know that I’m voting for the Democrat.


Church security a sensitive, complicated issue

Church security is a touchy issue. On one hand is the desire to have a security program in place; on the other, there is resistance because cameras, armed guards and the thought of a crime happening at “our” church is unthinkable. Some churches go overboard protecting the children while ignoring the overall security of the congregation. Until churches face this issue head-on, we are only kicking the can down the road. I am a deacon in my church, and I see the controversy firsthand. No one wants to be labeled a radical for wanting armed security for church members; yet the issue must be faced, or the result is an undefined policy that leaves everyone wondering what they can and cannot do at church. I see a bigger problem in the future over this.


Regarding Nicholas Kristof’s column, “Principled Republicans in short supply in Trump era” (Opinion, Oct. 25), Republicans have indeed lost their way. At the heart of today’s GOP is greed, their overriding goal to ensure that wealth remains in the hands of selected white males. Toward this end, they would throw poor whites under the bus rather than lift a finger to help anyone who is non-white, deny equal rights to anyone except straight white males, legislate control of women’s bodies, and appoint misogynistic males to the judiciary. Greed explains everything Republicans do: voting for Donald Trump, suppressing votes, denying rights, defunding public schools and economic assistance, overfunding war and incarceration, trashing the environment, granting tax cuts to corporations and the rich – the list goes on. If you vote Republican, this is what you support, and your Republican leaders love you for it all the way to the bank