When Americans die,

it’s more than politics

Public reaction over the murder of Americans in Libya is disturbing, since the opinions offered by both politicians and voters seem guided by the perceived political impact of the event.

Good Democrats dissemble when asked about Benghazi, saying, “These things happen.” Or, they advise us to “not play the blame game.” When a consulate is attacked and people die, it should be an American issue — not a political one.


Don’t trust reporting

of biased news outlets

It’s possible that the U.S. bungled our response to the attack in Benghazi, but I’ll never be persuaded by anything said by Fox and Mona Charen (“Obama’s inept leadership on display in Benghazi”, Opinion, Oct. 31).

Both are ideologically selective in their reporting of fact and commentary. Neither ever criticizes Republicans or conservatives, or hesitates to level the worst possible accusations against Democrats and liberals, no matter how many times time proves them wrong.

Their hypocritical bias is so blatant that their credibility is non-existent to any rational reader.

I know the AJC seeks to be balanced, but in my opinion, readers would be better off if the paper stopped publishing the words of extreme partisans of all stripes and affiliations.



Hurricane should be

nation’s wake-up call

Hurricane Sandy reminds us that climate change is a real threat to our security. While politicians in Georgia and around the nation (afraid of an electorate in denial) cower in silence about how our fossil fuel pollution is creating conditions for more storms like Sandy, people are beginning to suffer losses of life, property, and long-term economic opportunities.

I hope the heat wave this past summer, and dangerous storms like Sandy, wake us up enough to press public officials, before and after the election, to boost development of solar, wind, and geothermal alternatives.



Business oligarchies

threaten democracy

Our country is trending in a troubling direction. Can you say “business oligarchy”?

Post-Soviet Russia has shown us the danger of that government model — yet nearly half the country rushes toward it at an alarming rate. Corporations are assuming the role of government and we, collectively, are allowing it to happen. Crony capitalism threatens to destroy our middle class. Corporate welfare is at an all-time high.

Stop the insanity! Think for yourself, and do the research. The logical conclusion is to speak out to keep our nation a democracy of the people, by the people, for the people. We can start by overturning Citizens United, and outlawing the Super PAC. Corporations are not people.



No matter who wins,

entrepreneurs adapt

So many business owners say they can’t make any money with this president, or that president in office. They get philosophical about it all — and that governs their hiring postures, also.

I am waiting until this Wednesday, when they can’t hide behind the election anymore. Some people are self-identified as entrepreneurs and businesses operators. They will look at the the rules, and find a way to make profits within them. There will either be no excuses left after Wednesday — or they will have to make new ones.