Let’s celebrate, not criticize USPS
The U.S. Postal Service is one of the few government agencies explicitly authorized by the United States Constitution. Those who claim to be constitutional conservatives should be defending and supporting the post office. USPS employs more than 617,000 workers. These workers are paid a living wage, have benefits and enjoy a place in our shrinking middle class. The service operates 31,000 post offices and locations and delivers 155 billion pieces of mail annually. The last administration tried to privatize Social Security. This happened just before the stock market fell and the country was plunged into the the Great Recession. Let’s learn from that instead of criticizing or worse, privatizing the USPS. All this, and the delivery of our mail for the price of a stamp.
ISIS should force U.S. policy review
Is this the time for an in-depth review of our nation’s foreign policy, specifically in the Middle East? Take the ISIS expansion. The Islamic State should generate a focus on the recent decade of frustrations or disasters. The ventures into Iraq and Afghanistan can only be described as fiascos. The weapons provided to troops our forces supposedly trained were abandoned to the enemy. There are no reliable resources for us to re-arm to address the conflict. We have not been able to support, much less identify, a leader who has the ability to pursue reasonable and beneficial efforts to solve the dilemma. Until there is an earth-shaking change in the principles, morals and orientation of our political entity, we can only expect failure.
Don’t take our police for granted
We were in Memphis when ADT notified us our basement door was opened, and police were dispatched at 2:10 a.m. Within 10 minutes, we received a courtesy call from a sergeant. They had searched our home, and we were assured our home was secure. My thanks to all men and women of law enforcement who do what these fine men did. They had no idea when they answered that call who would be there and what harm could come to them. That is what they do everyday: leave home to protect and serve and help maintain a level of safety for all of us who should not take them for granted.