Bernie fans should ditch differences

It appears that some Bernie Sanders supporters might not vote at all, or (regrettably) even vote for Donald Trump, should Hillary Clinton clinch the Democratic nomination. For whatever reasons, these voters just can’t get behind Hillary, despite the unpleasant consequences (for Democrats) of a possible Trump victory.

These people might pause to consider that the next president will nominate at least one, or possibly two or three, Supreme Court justices.

Democrats, whether they are Hillary or Bernie backers, should unite behind Hillary, should she become the nominee, for the sake of the country and all the important issues coming up. They should look at the big picture and be Democrats first and foremost, and put their perceived differences aside.


KSU exhibit shouldn’t be considered art

Color me old fashioned, but I don’t think I’ve ever had the ability to appreciate what’s called modern art. I can enjoy seeing paintings of pastoral scenes, sunsets, snow-covered mountains and the like, but your piece on the exhibit at KSU of AIDS art has me wondering if some of us have gone beyond the pale. Reading the descriptions made me uncomfortable, and I cannot understand why anyone would enjoy or appreciate paintings of underwear stained by human feces. The KSU professor who is responsible for bringing the exhibit says he is appalled that someone would say they didn’t enjoy the messages depicted in the ‘art.’ I’m appalled that the exhibit has been allowed to stay there since February.