With Syria, let’s not go

down that road again

Please, Mr. President, do not get involved in Syria in any form. The U.S. needs to get out of that brier patch — meaning Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Egypt and Iran. We are looking at another world war.

We keep sending our troops out for two to four tours of duty. That will not last much longer. If we had a military draft, the country would have been in ashes from demonstrations and riots long before now. Enough. Please do not be embarrassed to decline taking action.

I am not a fan of yours, but if you keep us out of Syria, I will praise you for having the fortitude to do what is right for America. Close up Afghanistan and Iraq, and end monetary aid to Egypt as soon as you can. All of America will be grateful.



Cartoonist goes easy

on Obama’s missteps

Would you please, please hire a another editorial cartoonist who can balance out Mike Luckovich’s incessant partisan political dribble?

According to him, President Obama’s not responsible for anything that’s occurred in the last four-plus years of his administration; the GOP is to blame for all of what’s happened.

I have to mention — because Luckovich won’t — that President Obama “invested” and lost billions in failed alternative energy projects that would have had any private sector CEO branded “stupid” and run out of town.

Have we seen any cartoons reflecting President Obama’s monumental failures depicted by the AJC’s Mike Luckovich? I think the answer to that is a big “NO.”



Wildfires are sounding

climate change alarms

Regarding the wildfires in California, what can we do?

We have family in California near the wildfires, as many people do. Thousands of homes have been evacuated. There were hundreds of fires in California in the past year, a lot more than usual. There were a great many over the last four years in many parts of the western U.S.

This spring, we also had large snowfalls in May. We have also seen high flooding after bad droughts in the recent past, and other extreme storms.

When will we take strong steps to address these global-warming climate events? There are ways. One is to establish a carbon tax on fossil-fuel production, and then return that revenue to the American people equally. This would allow market forces to help alternative energy production to develop much more rapidly.

With fast-increasing carbon pollution in Earth’s atmosphere, let’s try everything we can!