Change of venue a smart move
I was pleased to read that Judge Mary Staley has granted a change of venue in the Ross Harris trial. A trial delay may be a good idea. A recent Time magazine article on pornography reports the negative affect of excessive sexual stimulation on the brain. Apparently, under the influence of sexual arousal, the part of the brain that deals with judgment simply shuts down. Memory can also be affected.
We need to know whether a child died because of his parent’s sex addiction, or a desire to murder his own child. A trial delay will be costly, but increasing our knowledge, as well as ensuring justice, is beyond price.
Trump correct about nation-building
I am not a Trump fan. However, unlike Jay Bookman and other commentators, I see no contradiction in Trump’s philosophy of “getting out of the nation-building business and instead focusing on creating stability in the world.”
Some countries such as Syria, Iraq, Libya, etc. have shown they are not sufficiently unified and civilized to function as a democracy. They need a strong, autocratic leader to maintain internal order and stability. Thus, it is in America’s best interests to leave such leaders in place, as long as they do not try to go outside of their national boundaries.
This and other goals or policies espoused by Trump (e.g. helping our middle class, which is an essential strength of our democracy, and de-emphasizing social issues) should be key elements of the new Republican Party, which will have to reconstruct itself after Trump destroys the party in the 2016 election.