Redo education, let kids marry earlier

Ross Douthat is right that we must address sex assaults at universities, (“Sex assault debate shines harsh light on universities,” Opinion, May 13). The very existence of universities is a problem. The necessity for four years of college to get a job leading to middle-class extends adolescence, making young marriages and having babies difficult and almost impossible. Abortion clinics locate next to colleges because young women are at the height of their attractiveness and fertility but not yet equipped to begin families. Even after graduating college, people are typically saddled with re-payment of student loans, making financial stability difficult.

College is part of the reason we have inadvertently created an anti-marriage society. A marriage-friendly society is one in which it makes sense for people to marry and start families while relatively young. We must overhaul our economic and educational systems. High school and college must amalgamate so more Americans can marry and begin families sooner. The fruits of an anti-marriage society include rampant STDS, problem pregnancies, sexual violence and sexual exploitation. Young people of both sexes are deprived of committed intimate relationships that promote psychological health.


Medicaid alone won’t deliver care

We have a failure to communicate. It regards insurance coverage and health care. Outside of a hospital emergency room or emergency care center, a doctor can exercise the right to choose patients. Several social-minded zealot groups think that by expanding Medicaid, all the people without health insurance will be given health care. That’s not true. They will just be given a card that says they are insured. They then are left to find a doctor willing to accept Medicaid patients. The amount paid a doctor for servicing a Medicaid patient doesn’t cover the cost of operating a doctor’s office. It seems the only way to bring coverage and service together is to keep using the emergency room. At least people will have a card to flash.


Blacks should shun a victim mentality

I give kudos to Eric Johnson in his recent, profound and transparent piece “Calling black conservatives” (Opinion, May 8). More blacks need to rise up to deliver fellow blacks who are being repeatedly lied to by the Al Sharptons and Jesse Jacksons of this world. True freedom is being an independent thinker. As blacks, we will begin to successfully combat racism as well as other challenges when we rise above the hapless victim mentality. With God on our side, nothing shall be impossible.