Certain restrictions are only reasonable

House Bill 875 will probably pass our Georgia Legislature, making it possible for people to get a license to carry a gun without doing two simple things — get fingerprinted (verifying they aren’t a felon) and take and pass a gun safety class. I love and own guns as a hunter and basic law-abiding person. That said, if you won’t allow yourself to be fingerprinted or simply take a gun safety class, then you don’t deserve the right to own a gun. Any other option is unacceptable to a reasonable human being. Everyone who agrees needs to contact their elected officials immediately and let them know you don’t agree with HB 875 as written, and that they will lose your vote unless these changes are made.



Partisan bias ignores Obama’s achievements

In her Feb. 26 column (“Give U.S. ingenuity credit for nation’s energy boom,” Opinion), Mona Charen indicated that the Obama administration has done much to inhibit job creation and little to stimulate its growth. She goes on to describe the economy as in the trough. Ms. Charen needs to check the facts before promoting her politically slanted views. Since 2009, Mr. Obama’s first year in office, unemployment has dropped from 9.28 percent to 7.35 percent. During the same period, the gross domestic product, the accepted measure of the economy’s performance, has grown by 8.76 percent. Ms. Charen’s column is yet another example of politicians, opinion makers and the media proclaiming untruths to a believing public.



Pro-abortion liberals shouldn’t cite morality

It is truly hypocritical for the Moral Monday Georgia group to come into the state Capitol and hold hands to pray while part of their liberal agenda is trying to get unlimited abortion rights available to women (“Activists seek stake at Capitol,” News, March 3). Have they not read the Bible, which they apparently and conveniently use to cover over their desire to allow abortionists to kill unborn children by any means available — chemical solutions, decapitation or aspiration? Biblical commandments and principles are clearly against the murder of innocents. This bloody, murderous procedure of abortion has serious consequences, both for the mother and maybe the father of the child as well as for society. So, state Senator Fort, please promote your liberal (progressive?) agenda without confusing or deceiving people with your hypocritical “Biblical” stunts in our Capitol building.



They spend their own money, unlike unions

Regarding Mike Luckovich’s cartoon in the Sunday edition (Opinion, March 2), I prefer the Koch brothers spending their own money to support political candidates of their choice than unions spending members’ dues supporting candidates, mostly Democrats, that many members may not support.