Opposing ‘bigotry’ but displaying intolerance

A recent letter to the editor (“Emory students right to sanction Chick-fil-A,” Readers write, Opinion, March 25) upholds Emory’s possible plan to eliminate Chick-Fil-A from campus because of their alleged intolerance of gay marriage.

Setting aside the question of whether anyone acted intolerantly or just expressed an opinion, I find it very interesting that this liberal-minded institution and the writer are quick to attack intolerance they don’t like, but fail to see it in their own actions. The writer concludes, “Bigotry in any form should not be tolerated in this country.” So, “bigotry” is out — but intolerance is OK?


Same-sex marriage is contradiction in terms

It is difficult to believe reported surveys indicating the majority of Americans support legalization of same-sex “marriages.” If this polling is indeed accurate, Americans’ understanding of the purpose of marriage is basically distorted.

Marriage has always been defined as the loving, conjugal union between a man and a woman for the intended purpose (when possible) of producing children and forming a stable family unit in which to raise them to maturity.

A union between two members of the same sex cannot be described as a marital act. To call it so is a contradiction in terms — since its form of eroticism can never have any connection with the possible act of reproduction.

The courts’ attempt to cast a magic cloak of legality over an impossibility will be interesting to watch.



Palestinian Authority hinders peace efforts

Regarding “Obama shakes up peace push” (News, March 22), President Obama’s peace push in the Middle East is doomed because the onus is always on Israel to make more and more concessions. Withdrawal from Gaza has brought continuous rockets falling down on innocents. What has the Palestinian Authority been asked to compromise on?


Mr. Abbas speaks like a broken record: settlements as obstacles, invalidating accords pushing for 1967 borders, return of refugees, etc., etc.

How about Jewish refugees expelled from Arab countries? The Palestinian Authority has offered nothing in return, and no concessions. How can peace succeed?



Poor choice of words is cause for confusion

The article, “Slain troops recent grads” (News, March 21) immediately caught my eye because I wanted to know how and where some of our troops were murdered. They were not murdered. They were killed in a training accident — either by faulty mortars, or faulty mortar rounds, or by human error.

I am surprised an AJC editor did not catch the improper description for “slain,” which denotes murder or violence. If those who came up with this headline could not find a better word than “slain,” perhaps they should go back to journalism school — or purchase a thesaurus.