America-first strategy will help school safety

Here’s a suggestion to improve school safety. For at least one year or maybe two or three, let’s completely cut foreign aid to every country that receives it. This will save billions of dollars. Then let’s use that money to pay for metal detectors for every school in all 50 states – every elementary school, every middle and junior high school, and every high school. There would also be plenty of money to pay for federally funded armed security guards for every school – at least one guard in elementary schools, two in middle and junior high schools and three in high schools. Giving foreign aid to other countries is a nice gesture, but the pinheads who run our government from Washington, D.C., need to understand that you take care of your own people first before you take care of others.


Dems again show shameful colors after Parkland

After the shootings at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, the Democrats were quick to pounce. U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., without any facts in hand, was the first in line to politicize and weaponize the Florida school tragedy. “Only in America!” he said. Murphy seems to have conveniently forgotten the 80 youngsters gunned down at a camp in Norway. Not to mention the thousands of school-age children murdered in Muslim countries. What did Murphy and his sidekick U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., offer to help prevent another Sandy Hook? Nothing more than rhetoric. I was there to personally experience the aftermath of the Newtown carnage. It was more than a “learning moment.” What learning did Murphy share with other school districts around the country? Nothing other than a failed legislative attempt at ill-conceived background checks, which is redundant in most states, including Florida. What prayers or words of comfort did Murphy and his ilk offer to the Parkland parents and families? They showed their true colors, again. Shame on them.


‘Assault’ weapons need more regulation

How many more school shootings must occur before Americans insist that their politicians do something? Surely on this critical safety issue, partisanship could be cast aside in favor of the greater good. Our “thoughts and prayers” only go so far, and frankly the mere mention of them now seems just a bit sacrilegious. At some point, I think even the Almighty could rightfully expect some action on our part. And please do not say again that this is not the right time. If not now, when? I am hardly an expert, but it seems to me that a limit on the sale and use of assault rifles is a no-brainer. These well-named weapons were designed for military “assaults,” to quickly kill and injure lots of targets. Easy access to these weapons is a recipe for trouble, and that is what we clearly have – a crisis of our own making. Failure to act on this is no longer an acceptable option! Lives are at stake.


Women have responsibilities, need equal rights

A male letter writer demands that women who want equal rights should accept equal responsibility (“Ending harassment requires true equality,” Readers Write, Feb. 14). It bothered him that men were pressured to buy diamonds for women, but not women for men. My husband gave me a diamond ring. I gave him my life. I left my job, family, friends and activities. Before I delivered the four children he wanted, we lived on his military salary so mine could be saved until we had enough money for a downpayment on our first home. When he started his own company, I entertained clients, created ads, and helped him write for trade magazines. When he struck out, I encouraged and supported his efforts to start over and congratulated his eventual success. That diamond turned out to be a good investment, even though the paychecks were primarily his and never mine to control. Women have always had responsibilities, but we have never had equal rights, because men have never valued us as much as we have valued them.