Vouchers are tool for re-segregating schools

When taxes intended for public schools are used for placing certain students in private schools, we reinvent an essentially segregated society, which ultimately is based on profit for the few at the expense of the many. When are we going to value the quality of the lives of all human beings more than our own personal greed, in a society that has been programmed to be unequal? We must save public schools in Georgia. Please vote out of office any legislator who votes for SB 173, the educational voucher bill. These legislators are mainly Georgia’s present Republican leaders, many of whom used to be Georgia’s Dixiecrat Democrats. These leaders see hierarchy. We are all equal in God’s eyes. That is the egalitarian view established for America by our Founding Fathers.


News service’s stories are intentionally anti-Trump

On Feb. 17, your “From the Right” cartoon has two people talking to Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro. One says, “Socialism has failed. Your future is bleak.” The second person says to Maduro, “You can run for president of the United States in the Democratic primary.” Who will provide public relations for the socialist Maduro? The Associated Press, as in its Feb. 20 all-positive story of Bernie Sanders running for president, never mentioning he is a socialist. The anti-socialist Republican Donald Trump is hammered by the AP in every story, carried by hundreds of newspapers in the U.S. Put these together and what is the message given by journalism? “Democracy’s days are over.” It doesn’t hurt that the Democratic socialist AP is a virtual monopoly no newspaper can do without for worldwide news and sports.