Turning right on red not such great idea
Last week, Mark Arum of WSB radio listed some of the things to be aware of in Atlanta traffic. I would like to add my pet peeve of driving: When you have a green light, you need to be ready hit your brakes because so many drivers turn right on red without stopping to look for cross traffic.
When the “right on red” law was passed, I believed it was a great idea. Now I’m not so sure.
Tired of slippery slopes on gun control
What did we think would happen? We allow long guns, open carry, concealed firearms, and open access to anyone, with no restrictions at gun shows, to buy the assault rifles and semiautomatic handguns, like the one used this last weekend in Orlando. Thousands and thousands of these squeaky wheels attend unregulated gun shows each week. We have over 300 million guns in this country. Yet we still hear the broken records, repeating, over and over again; to place any regulation of a waiting period or gun safety training is to violate the American Constitution.
I’m tired of slippery slopes, blaming Islam, blaming President Barack Obama, good guys with guns, bad guys with guns, the dead 6-year-olds in Newtown, those killed at the Planned Parenthood Health care center shooting, and now the latest killing field, in Orlando.
Why are we allowing the NRA and those who carry water for them to hold America hostage?