More women need to be in leadership

As a white male born in the last part of the 1930s, raised and educated in the South, I have some insight which may be of interest to persons chagrined about the GOP presumptive nominee. This occurred under white male-dominated GOP leadership that failed to stand against outlandish statements and positions taken by candidates and politicians who invaded and have now perverted the conservative principles that long guided that party. My experience tells me that if more women had been in leadership this would not have happened. Women know how to make things happen while speaking their minds, even to compromise if necessary. I saw an example of this when the other presumptive nominee spoke on Tuesday after the massacre in Orlando. She called for the country’s leaders to come together in the spirit of 9/12 — the cooperation that Republicans and Democrats exhibited in getting done what was best for the country after the 9/11 horror. I haven’t heard any male candidates suggest this as a paradigm for progress. She may be on to something!


Why do Dems support defense of Islam?

Although the AJC had very thin coverage of Obama’s speech about the Orlando mass shooting, I am scratching my head about his angry, petulant defense of Islam. How can women and gays still support him, considering the Quran’s directives on the treatment of women and execution of gays? Or for that matter, how can any Democrat who claims to support protected groups not see Obama’s hypocrisy?

It seems that Obama would repudiate with every fiber of his being this death cult that is masquerading as an Abrahamic religion. The only reasonable explanation is that he fears they will eventually come for him.