We need to discourage having kids too early

Regarding “Single moms need help, not a lecture on morals” (Opinion, June 4), Mary Sanchez is to be applauded for pointing out the real story behind the report on households with children — specifically, that single-mother households are the majority of “breadwinner moms” and where the average income is only $23,000.

She is also correct that these mothers need help. Finding opportunities for low-income households that eventually allow them to no longer need public assistance is a good thing for all involved. However, we should not ignore that having children before you are ready, whether single or married, can have serious consequences on your ability to pursue higher education and early career paths.

We must educate potential parents on the need to wait until they are truly prepared to have children before they become parents. Otherwise, this trend will continue. That is not “moralizing” — just common sense.



Police should ticket

side-by-side cyclists

The letter “Don’t blame bicyclists for dangerous drivers” (Readers write, Opinion, May 30), details all the advantages and hazards of riding bicycles, and most drivers agree with everything the author said. These single-lane bicyclists seen every day responsibly riding down that road, for leisure or necessity, do not incur car drivers’ wrath. We appreciate their activity.

Our anger is with the two (and sometimes three) riders who pedal side by side. These “conversationalists” are definite road hazards for both directional lanes. They impede traffic flow even during rush hour, and seemingly dare the car driver to come close. This practice must stop, and it should be subject to a traffic ticket.



Mixing men, women,

stress invite problems

I entered the Army in 1963 as a second lieutenant. About 10 years later, society began pushing for acceptance of more females into the military. Women could do anything a man could do. We now have female fighter pilots; helicopter pilots, generals and commanders — and we also have an environment that includes sexual attacks on women in the military.

These attacks are wrong. They are criminal, and they erode the integrity, honor and effectiveness of our armed forces. Our government and society seem to find it a big surprise. Perhaps AJC reporters need to go back and review the myriad studies done years ago that predicted the problems of mixing sexes in a stressful environment. Despite what social scientists say, men and women are not the same, and they never will be.