Dems complicit in economy’s fall

I must admit that Jane Foster’s June 10 letter (“Which president caused a disaster?” Opinion) was very adept at pointing out the failures of the Bush Administration concerning the Great Recession. As I remember, the Democrats were elected to control both houses of Congress in 2006. That means the Democrats controlled every committee dealing with finance in 2009. In spite of the convenient oversight, I am sure she will agree that there is plenty of guilt to be shared.


Deal should rein in Jekyll authority

In 1947, the state purchased Jekyll Island and set it aside as a seaside resort for everyday citizens. Affordability was enshrined in the state park’s founding legislation, which says the park’s facilities should have “rates so moderate that all of the ordinary citizens of the State may enjoy them.” Those words seem lost on the Jekyll Island Authority (JIA), which is bragging about bringing high-end hotels to Jekyll while paying lip service to affordability by saying Jekyll has parks and a campground for people who can’t afford the price of a hotel stay.

Governor Deal should be appalled over how his JIA appointees are disrespecting and disenfranchising the citizens for whom the “People’s Park” was created. He should use the authority entrusted to him to rein in the JIA and revitalize Jekyll’s long-standing tradition of affordability. Enough is enough; no more high-end stuff for Jekyll!


Fans of WRAS deserve explanation

As a former GSU student and long-time consumer of WRAS, GPB and PBA programming, I was interested to read your article, “Merger spotlights public radio role” (Metro, June 8). I have been following this “merger” with great interest in the social media. I’m struck by the secrecy surrounding it and the lopsided nature of the transaction. This transfer of valuable air time seems to greatly benefit GPB, at the expense of GSU, PBA and the Atlanta community.

Atlanta and GSU will lose a vibrant, unique radio voice, gaining only duplicative programming and nebulous student “opportunities.” PBA may lose an undetermined share of the already limited public radio audience. GPB stands to gain a high-powered chunk of prime air time, at a bargain-basement price. So the question is: who actually benefits? It is very suspicious that the public announcement of this transaction was timed to minimize GSU students’ opportunity to react. In fact, students — even WRAS staff — were actively excluded from the secret negotiations.

So, is it just another victory for corporate media and authoritarian administrators at the expense of powerless students and others who appreciate alternative radio programming? Or is something more sinister going on? GSU and GPB need to tell us the whole truth.