Even ‘good’ dads still not seen as parenting equal partners

As a single working father of four, Johnny Edwards is on the mark when he discusses the gushing attention he gets when he’s simply parenting his daughter (“Just us,” Living & Arts, June 17). I’m regularly told that I’m a “Good Dad” when I’m simply in line with the kids anywhere (but especially the grocery store). It’s always a woman telling me that I’m a “good dad.” I suspect these are the same women who refer to dads taking care of their own kids as “babysitting.” Further, male parents are often actively excluded from female-parent-dominated activities and organizations. As an example, I volunteer for the parent’s circle at my daughters’ school. At recent meetings and events, one of the mothers ends with the statement, “Good job, ladies!” As a man, it’s hard to know how to respond to that. Until male parents are accepted as equals in parenting, women will continue to have a hard time being accepted as equals outside the home.


AJC 150th anniversary editorial answers a question

Regarding “Times change; our mission doesn’t” (Editorial, June 17), I appreciate this editorial because it answers a question that I have long held: What is the mission of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution? My disappointment has been in your selection of national news. Your clarification of being “local” and “regional” is appreciated. It justifies my feelings of need to daily include other sources for national information. I believe, however, that your 21st-century model is missing a great opportunity to rival newspapers like The New York Times and The Washington Post.