Jesus was more conservative than liberals think
A recent letter about Jesus and President Trump (“Jesus’ views would be unpopular with today’s Right,” Readers Write, June 17) was full of misconceptions. The letter writer says Jesus was non-violent, and in one context, Christ told his disciples to turn the other cheek; but in another context, he instructed them to buy a sword (Luke 22:36). Jesus was not anti-wealth, but he taught us to never put money before God. Christ never rescinded the death penalty that he established in Genesis 9. He not only recognized the government’s authority to put someone to death, he warned strongly about hell fire (Matthew 5:22). He was not anti-public prayer, but taught not to pray to impress men. Christ was judgmental; read Matthew 23. He taught that we are not to be hypocrites in judging others (Matthew 7:1-5), but he also taught that we are to judge with righteous judgment (John 7:24).
Thanks to Braves for work with dementia patients
I enjoyed the article on the Braves reaching out to Alzheimer's patients ("Alzheimer's Association, Atlanta Braves team up for folks with dementia,", June 22). Many years ago, Glen Serra, who worked for the Braves, saw something in the AJC about jobs people would like to have. Mine was to work with the Braves and to get my husband on the field to meet some of the players. He had been diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's, and it was getting harder to go to games with him. Glen called to ask if I could bring my husband to the stadium early to meet some of the players. I'll always be so grateful for this kindness. My husband probably didn't know who Bobby Cox and the players were, but this will always stay with me. So let me thank those players who took the time to go to nursing homes. It means the world to those people and their families. MARY LOU BROOKS, DUNWOODY
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