Take up gay marriage gripes with God
Yes, gay people deserve the right to the same benefits as married couples. Let them have civil unions, promise vows, etc. Do not accuse Baptists or any church of discrimination. No man can presume to change the meaning of a word defined by God. There is no one with that authority. All who worship their Creator believe he is the one who ordained marriage and we will have to answer to him. Take up your discrimination charges with him.
Too many children are going to prison
Jeff’s Schultz’s story on Father’s Day (“Lost and found,” Living & Arts, June 21) will hit home to thousands of families who are battling this demon. You may recall that Rick Badie wrote my Personal Journey story last year. Your family’s story mirrors mine right down to the fact that my daughter also went to Valdosta State. The difference is, my son’s sobriety came from being sentenced to prison. He’s sober 2 years 8 months today. The sad part is that this is a better option than what he was facing — death.
There is something innately wrong with our communities today. Our children are becoming addicts, committing suicide and going to prison at alarming rates. I have been advocating for nearly three years for criminal justice reform. I have stories that should disturb our lawmakers and taxpayers. As I write this, Daniel’s dad is behind the razor wire visiting our son right now. Bittersweet, but he’s alive.
Why not respond to climate change?
Thanks to Leonard Pitts for his great article on the choices before us (“Courageous pope helps us to choose between regrets,” Opinion, June 21). Ninety-seven percent of scientists agree, based on the evidence, that human-caused climate change is real. But if it were not real, as some on the right would claim, then what would we lose by trying to meet the challenge? Well, dirty air, which currently affects the health of millions worldwide; traffic congestion; environmental degradation; loss of clean water for drinking … I could go on.
On the other hand, if we choose to combat climate change, what would we gain? A more stable, sustainable environment for our children, and less drought and extreme storms. But then, some of the wealthiest might accrue some loss due to diminished fossil-fuel use and diminished wasteful over-consumption. Other aspects of the economy might flourish through development of sustainable technologies such as solar and wind power.
Retire the flag, and Al Sharpton, too
I agree that the Confederate flag should be put to rest. But I think it should be a trade. If we are going to retire the Confederate flag, we need to retire Al Sharpton. The “Rev” stimulates the same feelings in white people that the flag does in black people. Al puts a wedge between the races and divides, just like the flag. The flag is the symbol of hate, and Sharpton is the face of hate. Literally.