We must learn from Britain’s EU exit
The victory of the “Leave” supporters in the UK referendum on the European Union has interesting implications for our Presidential race. The UK result is a modern-day “Peasant’s Revolt” where the angry under-classes are totally fed up with the elite establishment and have made their point emphatically. The establishment led by Prime Minister Cameron played into the dissidents hands by allowing the Brexit referendum, a terrible political mistake with predictable unintended consequences.
Those who dismiss Donald Trump’s appeal to his angry supporters should take notice and learn from the Brexit result.
It will take many measures to curtail violence
What a fortuitous and excellent pairing of topics in June 26th’s Editorial/Opinion section: health care and guns, currently a public health crisis. Sen. Renee Unterman is rightly praised for understanding the need for problem-solving: as she puts it, “where logic outweighs politics.” Mr. Wingfield should take her insight to heart. If the government watch list is so flawed as he indicates — an alarming thought — then it needs to be fixed. Why would Congress tolerate such a flawed list? (Unless it serves as a convenient excuse?) As for a definition of assault weapons: while it is always preferable to have clear definitions, I do not believe it is a lexigraphical issue when it is so easy to purchase guns with the capacity to kill multiple victims so quickly. And to focus solely on whether the recent mass shootings could/might have been prevented with any one piece of legislation being proffered is to miss the larger issue of gun violence of epidemic proportions. It is going to take a toolkit — “including but not limited to” — of measures requiring common sense and the responsibility that goes with all rights.
More men should consider vasectomies
The Supreme Court decision upholding constitutional abortion rights is a win for those who believe in reproductive freedom. This is seen as a women’s rights issue, but reproduction decisions affect males as well. Far too many young men are forced into fatherhood before they are ready, both financially and in terms of maturity to assume such a responsible role. As a result, far too many children are born into situations where they are unwanted, and deprived of the opportunities afforded to children born into better circumstances.
I’ve often wondered why young men who want to delay fatherhood don’t consider saving sperm in a sperm bank, then taking advantage of a vasectomy in order to avoid “shotgun” weddings or being put in the position of supporting children before they are able to support themselves. Many men already donate to sperm banks for others to use, so, unless it is too costly, I see no reason why they shouldn’t also save it to use themselves when they are willing and able to support a family. (Vasectomies are generally considered minor surgery.)
Anti-abortion forces should also welcome a solution that would make abortions unnecessary.
After Brexit, Trump will bring on FIXIT
Hooray for Brexit! The British have regained full right to manage their own affairs. The next revolutionary move will be FIXIT in America. FIXIT will come in the form of Donald Trump. He will speak honestly without the forked tongue of present Washington leadership. Their dictatorial give-away policies continue to forfeit freedom and law. The national debt looks like Vesuvius before eruption while our military forces are greatly decreased and poverty grows. Bring on Trump! Bring on FIXIT! And thanks, Brits. You reminded us of what we had lost.
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