Letters to the editor should be no longer than 150 words and must include a daytime phone number for verification. They may be edited for length and clarity, and may be published in print or other formats. Email submissions are preferred.

Email: letters@ajc.com.

How to submit an Opinion column: Submissions should be 600 words or less. Email columns to Opinion Editor Tom Sabulis at tsabulis@ajc.com. Columns submitted to the AJC may be published, republished and made available in the AJC or other databases and electronic formats.


Let’s take another step and rethink Obamacare

President Obama has just illustrated how quick he is on his feet.

His performance of the famous “sidestep” in dancing around the Obamacare mandate for businesses — and delaying it again — must have brought tears to the eyes of such dancing greats as Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly. They couldn’t have done it better.

Mr. President, your first step was so good, why not just sidestep the whole Obamacare plan, and start over again?



Story recalls heroism of true citizen soldiers

Regarding “The Replacement soldier” (Living, June 30), I would like to offer my sincere appreciation to Kevin Riley for the well-written account of Mr. Sessions’ service to our country. What a wonderful chronology of a true citizen soldier. It left me in awe of a member of his generation who helped save the world from a terrible human tragedy.

Mr. Sessions and his generation are due all the praise and gratitude they so richly deserve. As a former “grunt” who served in the Mekong Delta in 1967 (and who was wounded in combat), I can identify with much of how he feels about his service.

We share a unique bond that those who haven’t been in mortal combat will never be able to fully comprehend. I am today even more proud to call him my “brother” because of his “journey” about which Mr. Riley wrote.

Thank you for offering us all the opportunity to congratulate Mr. Sessions for his service to our country.



Letter writer claims amazing precognition

It is amazing to me that the author of “Evidence points to Zimmerman’s guilt” (Readers write, Opinion, July 4) not only knows all the facts of the Martin/Zimmerman case, but also knows all the nuances of Florida law, and has the superhuman talents of omnipresence and perfect clarity of judgment.

The author of this letter could put these super powers to good use in telling the world the elusive cures for cancer, diabetes and heart disease.



Here’s an epithet that still sees common use

I agree with the writer of the letter, “Critics of Paula Deen should look in mirror ” (Readers write, Opinion, July 4).

Everyone should just lay off. Her use of the n-word years ago is no worse than the term that millions of people, and this newspaper, use nearly every day: Redskins.