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How to submit an Opinion column: Submissions should be 600 words or less. Email columns to Opinion Editor Tom Sabulis at tsabulis@ajc.com. Columns submitted to the AJC may be published, republished and made available in the AJC or other databases and electronic formats.


Snowden showed how no secret can be kept

While I condemn Eric Snowden for his betrayal of his country, I can’t help but wonder why everyone is so concerned with him and not with those responsible for his ability to do what he did.

There seems to be a consensus around the country that the government spying on us and depriving us of the constitutional guarantee of privacy is fine, as long as one attaches the words “national security” to the act in question. If one accepts that the government is allowed to do this, how is it possible that anyone in the country and Congress can tolerate outsourcing this vital function to a private contractor?

We have found out what Mr. Snowden could do with this information. We have no idea what this private contractor can do with it. If the past is any teacher, they can, and will, do plenty. No private entity has proven that it can keep secrets for long. If nothing else, we should seize any data that Booz Allen Hamilton is in possession of, and terminate them immediately.



Writer betrays racism in warning of ‘mutts’

Shame on the AJC. The recent opinion piece written by David Brooks is racist and puts into question his relentless right-wing attacks on the immigration policies of the Obama administration (“What comes after we have diversity?” Opinion, July 1).

Webster defines a mutt as “a stupid person” or “a mongrel dog.” The opinions penned by David Brooks, “Soon, we will no longer be an outpost of Europe, but a nation of mutts,” and “Immigration reform or not, the nation of mutts is coming,” is a bigoted view, and one that will continue to polarize our nation.



Economy needs them, so House should act

I am delighted by the Senate’s recent vote on the immigration bill.

We have at least 11.2 million illegal, undocumented aliens/residents. We cannot ship them all back to wherever they came from (or even locate them). Self-deportation is ridiculous. Our economy needs them. Social Security needs their potential contributions.

The Hoeven-Corker Amendment will make our borders less porous and will satisfy some Republicans. The big problem will be the GOP in the House of Representatives led by U.S. Rep. John Boehner, who cannot control the tea party.

Congress should be all about jobs and our economy — not the IRS, abortions, guns for everyone and Benghazi.