Accept jury finding: Defendant acquitted

The July 15 headline, “Zimmerman’s fate unclear after trial” (News) is one of the most biased and misleading I have ever seen in the AJC.

Zimmerman’s fate is perfectly clear: He was acquitted and released as a free man. How clear is that? A quiet majority of Americans believe this was a reasonable verdict, given the evidence presented. Any people or organizations attempting to make Zimmerman’s fate unclear are hoping to overturn our legal system, impose their own desires, and further weaken our country.


‘Stand Your Ground’ may need rethinking

After Florida enacted its Stand Your Ground law, more than 20 states followed, including Georgia.

The jury in the Martin-Zimmerman trial followed the letter of the law, as instructed by the judge, and as each member vowed she would when sworn. Therefore, this jury did not deny Trayvon Martin’s rights.

This is a legislative matter. If Stand Your Ground laws are deemed unfair, then let us pray that those in charge will replace them with better laws that are objective, rather than subjective. Angry outbursts and invective-filled tweets only serve to fan the flames of hatred and suspicion.

Maybe state Sen. Vincent Fort will take the lead in our state — and others will follow Georgia this time around.


Too many sad twists in tale of slain youth

I cannot shake a feeling of sorrow that the death of a black teenager could have been avoided, if only an overzealous white man had obeyed the orders of a police officer.

I cannot help but doubt that the police would have handled the situation exactly the same way if a black teen had reported that he had killed a white man who was stalking him, and aggressively confronted him.

I cannot identify with an acquitted man who never expressed compassion for the family of the teenager he killed.

I am sad that this case has revealed that racism still pervades our system of justice, because it is stubbornly lodged in the hearts of those who administer it.

I am nervous because the Supreme Court does not recognize this fact.



Guns making America a third-world country

Have we gone mad? Are we regressing into a society where guns are everywhere?

A nation that seeks to lead the world needs to move ahead with civilization — and not slide backward into Third World status by glorifying guns, taking away women’s control over their reproductive systems, and stubbornly resisting energy independence.

We are Americans. We are accustomed to leading the world. It is our example of freedom that has been spread and emulated by many nations around the world. A free society doesn’t need to carry guns everywhere. Hunters may have them, and the military and our first responders may have them, but as an advanced society, we do not need them as a part of our daily life.