Energy alternatives needed in Georgia

Georgia Power’s incompetence is well-established. They owned and maintained the switching gear which failed and burned, causing an 11-hour power outage at the world’s busiest airport on Dec. 17. Per Plant Vogtle, the cost of the nuclear power plants at Vogtle will nearly double from the first projection of $14 billion to $25 billion by completion. As a regulated monopoly, they will profit from their incompetence at Vogtle. They will add $5 billion in profit to the $7.4 billion they were scheduled to make on the construction. Their large lobbying staff and generous campaign contributions ensured that state regulators did Georgia Power’s bidding in December and that ratepayers bear the cost for their incompetence.

We are not well served by this monopoly and alternatives are needed. Solar power comes to mind, but a competitor would be even better, as market forces would force increased competence and less greed. At present, their incompetence is only exceeded by their greed.


College football needs a dose of integrity

The officiating in the championship game was an absolute disgrace, a black eye for college football and an insult to anyone who cares about the integrity of the game.

An Alabama player belly-flops onto a pile after a Georgia player is tackled. No call. There is actually a name for that penalty. It is called piling on. An Alabama player grabs a Georgia player’s face mask. No call. An Alabama player pushes down on a Georgia player’s head after a tackle. No call. Georgia is incorrectly called for off-side after blocking a punt. The momentum of two Georgia drives are stalled so that one referee can review another referee’s work. Maybe it’s really a diversion to sell us stuff via commercials.

And can we not agree on what a catch is? When the ball is in the air and a player prevents it from hitting the ground whether he traps it with his feet, hands or other part of his body. It’s a catch.

College football and college sports in general are supposed to be part of the education experience. A forum for learning important life skills like commitment, cooperation, teamwork, patience, persistence. Instead, college football has become a show. Entertainment. Do whatever sells.

What did the kids playing or watching learn last night? Win at all costs.

College football has been heading down the path of pro football for some time now. I lost interest in professional football when I couldn’t discern if I was watching the NFL or the WWF. For the sake of the players, the schools and the fans, I hope we can find a way to maintain the integrity of the game. I fear it is slipping away.


Global warming not caused by humans

This is in response to the letter-writer who wrote “Ramirez cartoon wrong in many ways,” Opinion, Jan. 8, commenting on cold weather being part of the climate-change myth. I totally agree extreme weather patterns are a result of climate change, but not by human beings and industry. Millions of years ago, the Ice Age produced glaciers that formed the Great Lakes. Also, millions of years ago all of Florida and South Georgia were under seawater due to extreme heat over a prolonged period of time. This was way before man even existed. The current changes we experience due to abnormal heat, cold and storms are nothing compared to these periods.


Young immigrants deserve support

Basic humanity requires opposition to ripping apart families and/or depriving young people of the opportunity to properly prepare for their adult life, getting the best possible and affordable education in a place of their choice.

All Americans at some point in their families’ history needed, and enjoyed, the support of their host country. That support must never be withheld.