Program an insult to Vietnam vets
Earlier this year, Gov. Nathan Deal implemented a program called the Vietnam War Certificate of Honor.
The program not only includes the true Vietnam veteran who earned the Vietnam Service Ribbon/Medal by risking his life and putting boots on the ground in the Vietnam war zone, but also the Vietnam-era veteran who served at some time during that period, but never entered the war zone, took any combat risks, experienced the terror and horrors of that war or faced Agent Orange or PTSD.
To make matters worse, the governor expanded the certificate base by including thousands of veterans that served as far back as 1954, eight years before the Vietnam era, and calling them Vietnam veterans as well.
What a slap in the face to all true Vietnam veterans.
Recent letter shows need for Pride School
The writer of the letter recently complaining about the Pride School demonstrated precisely why the Pride School is necessary. The issue isn’t about “separate but equal” at all. It is about safety and security for children who are different from the majority population in schools. Saying “kids will be kids” is a flimsy cop-out to justify bullying. Kids learn to be bullies just like they learn to be racists, sexists, misogynists, homophobes and all the other manifestations of prejudice in our society.
Let’s start having parents and teachers and pastors and rabbis and imams and politicians and everyone else in a leadership role stop teaching children how to discriminate against others for all the superficial reasons we are taught to discriminate. When and if we ever reach that point in society, I might be able agree that there would be no need for a Pride School. Until then, the writer of the letter shows clearly why they are needed.