Trump not the one trying to erase history
After reading “Trump team lacks appreciation for arts,” Readers Write, Jan. 3, I was awestruck! It’s not the Trump administration trying to erase references to history, alter our historical values, and change things so as to not “offend” anyone. Look around you; see who is really behind these demands. It’s not conservatives. As for liberal arts degrees, just what are these graduates planning to do for an income-producing job? Too many of them are wandering the job market seeking employment but finding none in their field – those jobs are almost non-existent. What good is a college degree if it is not transferable to an income-earning position? Most people today would be better off seeking training for a specific occupation rather than that college degree that is often unemployable.
Despite bitter cold, global warming still real
Headlines proclaim snow on Georgia’s coast. Bitter cold strikes the remainder of the state. Climate scientists say it’s related to climate change. While we’re told warming is the most obvious sign, climate change throws curves like polar weather slipping south and record precipitation like snowfalls. The science is about long-term trends, which are unmistakably changing weather patterns causing famines, increased human migration and rising seas that threaten coastal infrastructure. So when a relative or friend says “It’s cold, what happened to global warming?” maybe it’s time to dig into the science together. Better yet, discuss hopeful solutions like putting a price on carbon pollution. Continue by demanding climate solutions from our elected leaders. Ask your congressman to join the bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus. A call or letter to them is a gift to future generations.
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