‘American Sniper’ theme is patriotism

I’ve seen some columns by movie critics trying to explain the incredible box office success of “American Sniper.” Some say it glorifies war, while others say it demonstrates the horrors of war and its effects on soldiers. I say stop over-analyzing; it is simply a great movie about a man and his wife, the former being a true patriot who is willing to share his gifts and love for his country and fellow SEALS and Marines, despite the toll it takes on his well-being and his marriage to the one he loves more than life itself.


Transportation funds a shell game

House Speaker David Ralston proudly claims the proposed transportation plan will provide more than $1 billion annually in new transportation dollars but will not increase state taxes on Georgians. While this statement is technically not a lie, it is also not truthful enough to be useable. The new plan is actually a shell game played with transportation tax pieces that have special powers and names like sales, excise and SPLOST. … Our state government can brag about not increasing taxes, while forcing local governments to do it. This is a rule adopted from those wastrels inside the Beltway. Ralston claims the new plan will bring ‘’our state into the 21st century.’’ That started 15 years ago.


Judge should seek meeting with Hall

Regarding “Ex-APS chief too ill for trial, attorney says” (Metro, Jan. 31), why doesn’t the judge in the test-cheating trial ask to see Beverly Hall in a private meeting so he can see for himself her physical condition? Her attorneys can continue to state her health isn’t allowing her to be a part of this inquiry, but I think someone besides them should be making that decision, such as an officer of the court. She needs to face up to her crimes as others have, and using her health as an excuse is just another of her character flaws.


Irresponsible mom costs us taxpayers

DFCS was not designed to deal with absolute and protracted promiscuity (“3 boys’ deaths show limits of state help,” News, Feb. 1). This woman certainly knew that having five babies by five different men would put an unnecessary burden on social services. Taxpayers support all social services, and it is unfair they have to pay for someone’s total lack of responsibility. Until legislation requires consenting adults and teenagers to be responsible for the innocent children they bring into this world, the AJC will continue to have stories to print similar to this one.