Super Bowl loss was devastating

If it’s true that you learn a lot more from defeat than victory, then the Falcons had an encyclopedia read to them by Tom Brady. You have to tip your hat (or helmet) to the Patriots, a team that had the biggest comeback win in Super Bowl history. The entire supply of air was sucked out of Atlanta in that fourth quarter and overtime. You could say our hopes of winning the Super Bowl were “deflated.” As an Atlanta sports fan for 50 years, this was by far the most devastating and disheartening loss I have ever witnessed.


Hunter controversy should be put to rest

I am a retired Gwinnett County employee and have known Commissioner Tommy Hunter for years. Regardless of his views, he should never have posted them on social media. Unfortunately, the First Amendment does not totally apply to elected officials and government employees. Hunter has apologized numerous times for this posting, and it should be put to rest. I’m sure he has learned from this mistake. Of course, John Lewis is not totally innocent after stating Donald Trump is not a legitimate president. As an elected official, he should also be held accountable. Now we have an ethics complaint being filed by someone from Atlanta who does not even live in Gwinnett County. After seeing all of the issues with bribery in the city, maybe they should concentrate on where they live. Each commissioner in Gwinnett County represents 200,000 people and 100 or so protesters do not speak for all of us. If they want him out of office, then get 30 percent of the voters to sign a recall petition.