Both sides might take comfort in latest data
Last week, abortions fell to their lowest level since 1972. Both pro-choice and pro-life groups should be pleased. The pro-life advocates can be proud their message must be getting through to a large number of pregnant women. The pro-choice side should be pleased abortions are being reduced while women retain their right to choose. As someone who believes both sides have valid arguments, this new data shows the country is moving in a positive direction on this divisive issue.
Betrayed? You’re breaking my heart
In reference to the article “Top-flight teachers feel betrayed by cuts” (News, Jan. 2): Stop it! You’re breaking my heart. We have a president advocating “income equality” for all. Now, when the shoe is on the other foot, among those who worked hard and who sought excellence and are self-motivated, the feeling of betrayal rises. Why? Isn’t this what is being hawked by our leaders? Isn’t socialism the trend of the future?
Why should this teacher, who “spent hundreds of hours and often thousands of dollars,” feel betrayed? This is her contribution to society. Transferring the results of her self-motivation to those who would rather survive via the efforts of others is being applauded and advocated. Note how the numbers of those who did attempt to “rise above” has dwindled from a high of 257 individuals in 2003 to one in school years 2011 through 2013. It’s amazing! When rewards were available, people strived to excel. Without incentives, why bother? Let’s just plod along and bring everything down to a lower common denominator.
An issue of critical importance to Georgians recently appeared in the AJC (“Ethics Funding Gets Push,” Metro, Feb. 5). Thanks to legislation in 2013, our state removed itself from the backward few states not covered by any ethics laws. But that was just a beginning. State Sen. Josh McKoon now proposes that the ethics commission be funded separately from the governor’s office. His Senate Resolution 7 would also create a permanent source of funding amounting to $4.9 million, a modest amount for these purposes, but an improvement.
It is to the advantage of not only the citizens of this state, but to the governor’s office and every elected official, that this kind of resolution becomes reality. Any lingering perceptions that “Dracula is in charge of the blood bank” needs to be removed from our legislative process. Happily, there are other initiatives by Democrats to push in this direction — that is, getting this or a similar proposal to a vote before the people.