Deaths invite scrutiny

of entertainment media

The Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy has forced a needed review of our laws and regulations that contributed to the massacre. But let’s make sure we don’t stop with reviewing the Second Amendment. Lawmakers need to look at how Hollywood and the entertainment industry played a role in the tragedy. The gratuitous violence that is part of television, movies, video games and even some song lyrics is abominable.

Certainly, gun control deserves a close look, but let’s also look at all of the contributing factors that are central to this tragedy: guns, mental health support and care, and the entertainment industry. The latter clearly cultivates seeds of violence in the young and impressionable — with little thought to the consequences.


How can letter writer

say Obama’s faking?

Every morning for the last several days, I have gotten teary-eyed as I put my flag at half staff.

You can only imagine how I felt while reading the letter “Show of grief on TV was not convincing” (Readers write, Opinion, Dec. 19). To think that the author accuses the president of acting is unbelievable.

If I had to speak to a group of people, including parents, about the senseless murder of innocent children and teachers, I would completely lose it. This letter reveals not only a lack of empathy for the victims, but also a dislike of President Obama.


Times like these call

for moral leadership

I’ve seen many an American flag at half staff in my city.

Perhaps we are too uncomfortable to admit that these flags also represent a nation of declining moral responsibility, that we may hold some blame for the Connecticut tragedy.

Such responsibilities are foundations to our society and cannot be legislated. Despite our accomplishments of freedom, heritage and strength, without basic moral leadership and direction, we are done for — as a society and a country.



Congress needs to get

some fiscal discipline

Due to President Obama’s inability to have any effect on this economy, my wife and I both lost our jobs, our house, one of our cars, and depleted all our savings trying to survive. We are now on a “fixed income,” which required us to drastically cut our spending. We had to decide what was absolutely necessary — and what was not.

It is high time for Congress to do the same, and it is beyond time for the American public to tell Congress, “You are on a fixed income. There is no more credit and no additional money. What you are getting is all you are going to get from us!” Maybe then, they will decide what is absolutely necessary spending — and what is not.