Trump angers more than Muslims

I have always thought your Truth-O-Meter was part of your attempt to dumb down the news for the tea party crowd. Proof positive was when Politifact rated “false” Hillary Clinton’s claim that ISIS recruiting is helped by Trump insulting Islam (“Clinton links ISIS recruiting to phantom Trump videos,” Metro, Dec. 21). Seriously? Of course the anti-Muslim rhetoric of Trump, Cruz and candidates of the GOP drumming for more war in the Middle East helps recruit “radicals” and “terrorists” — who maybe just want to defend their homes from getting carpet-bombed, as Rafael Cruz suggests, or being ground zero for World War III, as Chris Christie opined. Trump’s comments on Muslims and Islam anger most decent people, not just Muslims. Stop pandering to the stupid people. They aren’t your readers.


Trump’s words assist Jihadi cause

The Truth-O-Meter claims Hillary Clinton’s statement regarding ISIS and Trump’s islamophobic remarks is false. I think the meter is being naive and once again showing its pro-conservative bent in making such a claim. ISIS has proven to be extremely media savvy, and if anyone thinks they are not exploiting Trump’s vitriolic comments, they need to think again.

Of course ISIS is using these and other comments as evidence that America is mounting a war against Islam. ISIS loves to see this level of stupidity in our so-called leaders. It is easy fodder for their propaganda machine. The Donald has fallen into the trap of providing ammunition to the enemy with his anti-Muslim drivel. He and other conservatives who have shown their prejudice in outlandish statements have become unwitting assistants to the Jihadi cause. We should be thanking Hillary Clinton for pointing that out, instead of deriding her comments.


What to do about fears of Islam

Your article, “For Muslims in Atlanta, caution in wake of deadly attacks” (News, Dec. 20) presents the frustration by our Muslim friends regarding the public’s general and growing fear of Muslims and Islam. Yes, many of the worldwide terrorist attacks have been by persons who claim they are Muslim. That, in my opinion, is a partial contributor to the growing prejudice expressed by non-Muslims. My recommendation to our Muslim community to combat this trend is to start a movement to take back its religion from these killers by educating the world about the good writings of Islam. As one person interviewed said in the article, “I embrace the people but fear their religion.” This summarizes the feelings of many non-Muslims.